Warm greetings of solidarity from ‘Go West, Come West Japan’, an organization of Fukushima nuclear disaster evacuees and supporters.
Since the onset of the disaster, a huge number of people have become ill and lost their lives due to radiation exposure from Fukushima, and the situation is getting worse and worse.
But the Japanese government have systematically denied and concealed the real picture of the health effects and radiological risks caused by the nuclear disaster.
Look at how the Japanese government use the 2020 Tokyo Olympics as Potemkin village, and you will understand the situation.
We are committed to informing the international community of the real health damage occurring in Japan, especially Fukushima and Tokyo.
This year on August 6, we are scheduled to hold a speech action in Hiroshima city appealing to the whole world the danger of Trump/Abe’s new ‘usable’ nuclear weapon strategy and the radiological risk the Tokyo Olympics entails.
Last year on the same day, we had a speech action for the first time in Hiroshima (the then flier attached).
There came so many people who earnestly listened to our speeches and gave us a great support and applause.
Afterward, however, one of our members was unlawfully (on a false charge) arrested by the police and detained for twelve days even though her health was awfully failing.
Thank you so much for a lot of people and organizations in the world supporting us and cheering us up in the midst of crack-down.
Now we are resolved to come back to Hiroshima!!
We will be back on the Motoyasu Bridge!!
We would like to invite you to be part of our action in Hiroshima on the evening of Aug. 6.
Please come and join us!!
If you want to interview us or make your speech,please feel free.
We will tell you a lot of stories that you have never heard in your countries. the voice of evacuees.
If you will not be able to be there, please spread this information
among your friends,hold similar events in your community and say ‘NO’ to
Trump/Abe’s New Nuclear War,
‘No’to Tokyo Radio Olympics, ‘Solidarity’ with Evacuees!
To avoid another nuclear disaster–either war or accident–we all need to UNITE to fight against global nuclear industries, warlords and governments leading countries with nukes to another Fukushima and preparing new nuclear wars!
Thank you again for your support.
●We must stand up against these dangerous Japanese government policies. Let’s fight back together!
We would like to ask you to:
1. Inform your family and friends of the danger of the 2020 Radioactive Tokyo Olympics.
2. Contact your governmental officials and tell them NOT to send any athletes and visitors of your country to Japan. Demand the Japanese Embassy or Consulate STOP the Tokyo Olympics.
3. Join us in our action on Sep 29, 2019 in Osaka, Japan or hold similar events in your community on the same day or any day!
We, Go West, Come West!!!, is scheduled to hold a speech and march action on Sep, 29,‘Say NO to hiding the real health damages from Fukushima radiation exposure’Get together so that we can stop this madness!
<Day and time> Sunday Sep 29, 2:00pm
<Address> 5th floor of Osaka Sumai Jyoho Center (6-4-20 Tenjinbashi Kita-ku, Osaka, 530-0041)
<Access Map> http://urx.blue/IVaM
When the schedule of your action is arranged, please let us know the details.
We will share the information on our website for those who want to act with us!
E-mail: gowest@gowest-comewest.net
Website: https://www.gowest-comewest.net/category/our-missions/statements/statements-en/
For more info:「NO OLYMPICS 2020」https://hangorin.tumblr.com/tagged/english